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Arizona Birth Certificates From Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Records

Arizona Birth Certificate Types

Only one type of birth certificate is available in this state.

Regular Birth Certificate – Certified copies of birth certificates may be used for practically all legal purposes, including proof of citizenship, school enrollment, personal identification, passports, social security, and employment. Birth certificates are available for all births that took place from 1909 to the present.

Apply to receive this document from the Bureau of Vital Records.

Regular Birth Certificate

Apply to receive this document from the Bureau of Vital Records.
All other types of birth certificate are unavailable in this state.

Other Types Of Birth Certificate

All other types of birth certificate are unavailable in this state.
A cartoon of a family wondering how to order their birth certificate replacements.

Who Can Receive A Copy?

Arizona is a “closed record” state, which means that vital records are not a part of public records. The person whose name appears on the birth certificate (registrant), if 18 years and older, their immediate family members, and legal representatives may be issued certified copies of birth certificates. 

The requester or applicant must supply the necessary documentation (valid government photo ID, proof of relationship, a notarized letter of consent for the release of information from the registrant). You will be provided an authorization form with all the necessary entitlement and requirements upon the completion of your order.

The registrant (name on the birth certificate) if over age 18

Parents on the birth record

Immediate family members

Legal guardian (with guardianship papers)

Arizona Vital Statistics Agency Information

Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Records

The Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Records is in charge of maintaining and issuing certified copies of vital records, which include birth, death, fetal death, and stillbirth certificates for events that took place in Arizona. They also provide services, such as delayed birth registration, foreign birth registration, adoptions, putative father registration and searches, corrections, or amendments of records for births before 1997 and deaths before 2008. You can order copies of all these from Instant Vital Records for quicker delivery.

Notice: It is in Instant Vital Records’ best interest to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on this site, but state agency information and policies may change without notice. Instant Vital Records makes no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of any information, nor do we assume the liability of such information. 

Arizona Birth Certificates

The Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Records issues certified copies of birth certificates, typically acceptable for most legal purposes, including proof of citizenship, school enrollment, personal identification, passports, social security, and employment.

Visit the Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Vital Records’ official page for more information.

Department of health building that issues birth certificate replacements.

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